Albatros’ CSR policy
Albatros Travel recognises its responsibility to not be a barrier, but to contribute positively to social, environmental and economic sustainable development in accordance with the UN Global Compact. Albatros Travel will comply with all applicable laws regarding human rights, environment and corruption, and apply internationally recognised principles when local law and regulation set lower standards.
Albatros Travel commits to avoiding the infringement on human rights and to addressing any adverse human rights impacts which Albatros Travel may cause directly or indirectly. Albatros Travel supports human rights through the spreading of knowledge about human rights and cultural diversity which promotes understanding and peaceful coexistence.
Albatros Travel commits to minimising its negative environmental impact and contributing positively to environmental diversity and sustainability.
Albatros Travel commits to work against corruption in all its forms. Albatros Travel strives to maximise the economic benefit of its operations for locals at its destinations.
The above commitments are elaborated in our human rights, environmental and anti-corruption policies and further specified in our operational policies.
Albatros' policy
- Albatros Travel will develop and improve its due diligence processes to identify, prevent and account for any adverse impacts on human rights, environment and anti-corruption directly linked to its operations.
- Albatros Travel will consult with stakeholders who might be adversely affected by Albatros Travel operations and seek ways to engage in dialogue with local communities to identify and address any adverse effects of Albatros operations.
- Albatros Travel expects its business relations to respect human rights, take a precautionary approach to the environment and to refrain from corruption, and will take measures to promote responsible practices throughout its value chain.
This policy will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders and all relevant employees will be trained in its contents. Complaints from stakeholders about breaches of this policy may be submitted to the Albatros Travel CSR Manager. Reports on the breach of this policy will be taken seriously and Albatros Travel will investigate and resolve any reported grievances. The CEO is responsible for the overseeing of the effective implementation of this policy on all three bottom lines across all operations owned or managed by Albatros Travel A/S .
Søren Rasmussen, founder and Chairman